Wanted: Crafty Craft Bloggers

Craft & Design
Wanted: Crafty Craft Bloggers

Pictured above are Craft original projects, from top left: Shoe Bling, Needlepoint Purse, Kitty-Cat BraidsLeather Belt, Glue Gun BandolierToy Camera from Recycled MaterialsHaunted House SilhouettesFringed Flower Gift Topper, War and Peace Bookend

Hey awesome crafters! We are on the hunt for two different things:

  • New Craft blogger — This person would be posting about 3 blog posts per week and curating 3 roundup slideshows per week of cool, related crafty projects. We’re looking for someone with an eye for beautiful images.
  • Original craft projects — In particular, we are interested in crafts that straddle the line between crafting and making, such as wearable electronics, furniture, leather working, metalworking, and home & garden. But we are open to all types of craft projects, as long as they are interesting and unique. This will be an ongoing quest.

If you are interested in either being our new Craft blogger or contributing an original project to the Craft blog, please email me with one of those phrases in the subject line at: lcochrane@makezine.com. Thanks!

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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