Peter Kirn of createdigitalmusic/createdigitalmotion is curating the A/V performance lineup @ the soon-to-be-now Hackers On Planet Earth conference –
live music:
- Ezekiel Honig (Anticipate/Microcosm founder) explores warmth in electro-acoustic music “into a comfortable space between techno, house and ambient”
- Ben Neill, “mad scientist of dancefloor jazz” (CMJ Magazine) continues to evolve live music with his newly-redesigned, original mutantrumpet
- Michael Una plays custom digital, acoustic, and circuit-bent instruments, with a robot drummer, for rhythmic, textured, and melodic musical experiences
- Todd Thille makes sounds from the electromagnetic signals of potted plants
- Guitarist Animalstyle plays through home-built 8-bit fuzz pedals and Game Boy foot controllers
- Roger Tsai DJs with hand gestures using his original digital gloves “Groovy Hand”
- Peter Kirn balances musical styles and Wii balance boards with a live music and keys set and vocal strains pulled from his Gmail spam folder
plus live visuals:
- Joshue Ott creates live visuals with his homemade superDraw generative illustration tool
- Paris and Don Miller (No Carrier) create glitchy, lo-fi visuals from custom-created 8-bit visual software on Nintendo and Commodore systems
- vade spins out live hacker imagery and sniffs data packets in 3D
- Bill Jones creates live cinematic worlds inspired by sci-fi noir
Where: The Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City (map); head to the main door, on your left is the entrance to Penn Pavilion and you should see a table there.
When: Friday, July 18 2008 – performances run 11pm – 2am
Cost: US$10 at the door. First come, first served. (free if you have a conference badge)
More info and relevant media – We Are Hacks: Music and Visual Performance at HOPE, NYC – Preview