This is a great example of a well documented group project. Their wiki has loads of information. There is sample code, parts lists, descriptions of the circuits, explanation of the components.
Photo from Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems
The robotic snake consists of a head segment and several body segments. The head segment houses the onboard microcontroller and xBee radio. The body segments house the servo motors and the batteries required to power each motor. As the snake is designed to be modular, there is no limit to the number of body segments. More segments will allow it to move more smoothly, while fewer segments will be easier to control. For this design, seven body segments were used due to material limitations.
Photo from Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems
How do you work with groups? What have you and your students created? What is the most amazing thing you have created in school or university? How does your group use wiki technologies? Add your thoughts in the comments and contribute your photos and video to the MAKE Flickr pool.