Win a painting set

Craft & Design
Win a painting set

 Images Promotions Dickblick Oils Small
If you’re a SmartFlix renter (how to DVD video rental service) you can enter to win a painting set by renting any arts & crafts video. Travis writes in…

This is your chance to win one of three painting sets. We are offering a Winsor and Newton Artists Oil Colors Set, Maimeri Brera Acrylics Gift Set, and a Sennelier Watercolor Deluxe Mahogany Box Set…if you win, you choose which one you want!

We’re holding a drawing a month from now, August 1st, to give away these three top-quality paint sets to three lucky customers, courtesy of Dick Blick.

How do you enter to win? Just rent any arts & crafts video from SmartFlix between today and August 1st. Every video you rent is a a whole ‘nother chance to win.

Win a top-quality painting set! – Link.

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