World Gross Domestic Product — fabricated in wood

Craft & Design
World Gross Domestic Product  — fabricated in wood

Anfischer Fundament 1
Anfischer Fundament 5
World Gross Domestic Product — fabricated in wood via Beyond the Beyond.

Beech wood, poplar plywood; 40 × 60 × 20 cm;
The data sculpture Fundament shows the allocation of the world’s gross domestic product in comparison to the worldwide derivatives volume. The statistical data was aquired from the CIA World Factbook and the International Monetary Fund. The sculpture consists of two layers which visualize two data sets with the same principle.

The lower half is a mapping of the world’s GDP and the top half is a mapping of the derivatives volume, alloted to the coordinates of the countries on a map.

This sculpture is a statistical map, a hybrid between physical and conceptual space. The horizontal arrangement equates to the Mercator projection of a world map and the vertical axis metaphorically corresponds to the financial activity of the country.

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