Book Review + Giveaway: Mason-Dixon Knitting


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Mason-Dixon Knitting By Kay Gardiner & Ann Shayne
Now in paperback, Mason-Dixon Knitting by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne is a entertaining jump into their world of knitting with hilarious attitude from the ladies who speak their mind on their blog of the same namesake. The book is filled with stylish and sophisticated patterns for you, baby, and your home. I am dying to try out the striped mitered square blanket (pictured below)because I love the color blocking and how I can just spend my time knitting up small blocks to build up this great looking blanket! (What a great way to use up my scrap yarn!) You’ll also just enjoy reading this book for all the beautiful photographs and the tongue-in-cheek jokes.
Maxondixon Logcabin Shawl
Mietered Square Blanket and Nina Shawl
See more photos and find out how to enter the giveaway after the jump!

Maxondixon Nightie Bib
After Dark Robe with Nightie and Baby Bib
Masondixon Potholder Rug
Ballband Dishcloths and Superfancy Potholder Loop Rug
Book Giveaway Time!
Three lucky CRAFT readers will each receive a copy of the book, Mason-Dixon Knitting. Just tell us why you would like this book in the comments. All comments will be closed by Noon PST on Monday, March 1st. The lucky winners will be announced later on the site. Good luck!
(Note: IE users: We are working on a bug right now in our commenting system. Please use another browser to leave a comment for this giveaway.)

Like I said, these ladies are hee-lar-eee-ous so check out their “Grey Gardens” spoof entitled “Gray Garments”.

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