If you’ve been following my adventures over on MAKE, you know that I’ve been galavanting around the last few weeks on a space geek adventure. I love finding ways in which my two passions, craft and space, can overlap, so I was thrilled to get an up close and personal look at some awesome fan-made clothes for Camilla, the mascot for NASA’s recently launched Solar Dynamics Observatory. Camilla has been around for at least seven years, but in the last year, specifically, she’s gathered quite the space geek following through her Twitter and Facebook adventures. Camilla’s human “handler” takes her all around the country and documents her adventures at various space-related events where she gets reactions from confused stares (“Why is that guy holding a rubber chicken up and taking its picture?”) to excited gasps from adoring fans (“OMG! It’s Camilla!”).
One of Camilla’s biggest fans, Cynthia Butcher, also happens to be very crafty. After finding a “cousin” of Camilla’s on which she can base patterns, she started to knit and crochet special outfits for Camilla to wear during her various outings. She started with a spiffy silver flight suit with fantastic tiny embroidered details and moved on to an EVA spacesuit complete with a helmet, moon boots and a working backpack. Her next outfit that’s already in the works is a replica Captin Janeway uniform.