Cyrillic Cross-Stitch Alphabets


I took two years of Russian in high school, and another two years in college, and was lucky enough to visit Russia back in 1992. Among the many things I love about the Russian language is the beautiful Cyrillic alphabet. These vintage Cyrillic cross-stitch alphabets are making me swoon with inspiration. Russian isn’t the only language to use the Cyrillic alphabet, though, and it looks like these alphabets might actually be Macedonian (Cyrillic experts, let us know in the comments). They are still gorgeous, though, and remind me how much fun it was to learn to write and understand letters like Ж (zhe) and Ф (ef).
They were featured on the Free Historic Old Pattern Books blog run by a gentleman named Ramzi who collects, scans and posts old cross-stitch patterns. He’s featured Russian books before, but most have consisted of more imagery than lettering. It’s these gorgeous letterforms that have me very excited. There are several in this collection, and the cover of the book is over-the-top gorgeous in its design and lettering, and literally makes me weak in the knees. Enjoy!

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