Interweave Crochet Spring 2007 & Larger Than Life Bag

Interweave Crochet Spring 2007 & Larger Than Life Bag

Interweave Crochetspring2007

Largerthanlifebag Cecily

Is this turning out to be the summer of crochet? I’m savoring the Spring issue of Interweave Crochet that’s the first issue with Kim Werker of Crochet Me as the Editor in Chief! There are so many great projects from crochet sweaters, scarfs, adornments, and more! One of the fun projects I’ll be working on this summer from the magazine is the Larger-Than-Life bag by Cecily Keim. I saw Cecily tote around this cute and functional bag earlier this year at TNNA. It’s got an amazing look to it with a floral granny square pattern. And it’s HUGE! You could probably fit everything you need for the day in here from your craft projects, books, and more. If you’re interested in making this project, join the Larger Than Life CAL, the Larger Than Life Bag Flickr group or check it out for more inspiration. Some members of the Granny Along are also making this bag.

  • For more info and table of contents for the Spring issue of Interweave Crochet, visit the Interweave Crochet site here. Link.
  • Free web projects from Interweave Crochet – Link.

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