14 Star Wars 3D Prints To Make Your May The 4th Shine

3D Printing & Imaging Maker News

May the 4th has become a day of celebration for Star Wars fans worldwide. What a better way to celebrate than to put your futuristic 3D printing machine to work to create a piece of Star Wars memorabilia and props. Here are 14 fantastic 3D prints to get you started.


Master Yoda by Fotus Mint

Print or no print, there is no try. Get the wisdom of Master Yoda off your 3D printer.

The Mandalorian by iczfirz (and Velrock)

These support-free models are really slick. It looks like they were originally designed by Velrock on Thingiverse, then remixed to be fully support free by Iczfriz on printables.com. Look around the linked profile as there are many poses to choose from.

Darth Vader by Eastman

Simply stunning work from Eastman on this. A glorious representation of Lord Vader.


X-Wing by Daniel

The classic will always hold a spot in my heart. Maybe this ages me a little but I don’t care. X-wing forever.

Tie Fighter by DanielAlex

Just look at this tiny tie fighter and tell me you can’t hear it screaming past.

Imperial Star Destroyer by DanielAlex

So iconic. Everyone needs a Star Destroyer or two in their home.

Millenium Falcon by Si Powers (and Jace1969)

I’m not exactly sure of the provenance of this exact model, as this appears to be a repair of an existing file. However, I’m sure it is gorgeous.

Death Star by tato_713

It would appear that I’ve gone completely old-school with my ship selections. I’m OK with that. If you’re not OK with that, I’ll blast you with my Death Star.

light sabers

Starkiller’s Sabers from ReProps

The Force Unleashed 3 brought this fantastic design to the world. Get the files here.

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Saber by Pyrohmstr

Maybe you’re feeling a bit more wisdom and calm than the Starkiller variation. Qui-Gon Jinn’s saber is the one for you. Just, uh, stay away from any palaces on Naboo

Luke’s Saber by UnimatrixRed

We had to include Luke’s saber. Not only because, well, it’s Luke. Also because this is just a fantastic job with great documentation.


D-0 Droid by WF3D

This recent addition to the Star Wars saga has proven to be a fan favorite. Find the files here.

BD-1 Kit Card by Fixumdude

Kit cards are awesome and probably deserve their own full blog post. They print like a model, complete with sprues so that you can give them as gifts. This example is very well done and you should give it a try.

Imperial Probe Droid by Al Mon

Forget R2 and C3P0, the Imperial Probe Droid was always my favorite. So menacing!

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at CalebKraft.com

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