Joey Hudy returns to Maker Faire to present his senior project at ASU-HYSA: a full-body 3D scanner.
It works by rotating a person on a small wooden platform while a stepper motor raises and lowers a PrimeSense kinect clone so it can scan your entire body using Skanect software. It generates a array of dots and then creates the mesh from the dots.
Joey’s presentation will take place at Sunday, 3:00pm on the 3D Printing Stage. He’ll talk about how he made three different full-body scanners, how he ended up choosing the right sensor for his project, and his experience demoing the scanner at SIGGRAPH last July.
If you don’t know about Joey, he’s a 16-year-old maker who sells kits and got to meet the President. His mentor in the scanning project is Professor David Tinapple of ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.
If you make it to Maker Faire, be sure to check out Joey’s presentation!
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