3D Printed Pen Holder for the Silhouette - Make: 3D Printed Pen Holder for the Silhouette - Make:

3D Printed Pen Holder for the Silhouette

3D Printing & Imaging Craft & Design Workshop


Calling all Silhouette users! Forget proprietary gadgets, now you can print your own tools! Thingiverse member, Ian Hanna, created this 3D printable pen holder design for the Silhouette paper cutter. Download the model and print one, or two, or ten! This design still requires you to place a craft stick under the pen tip to set the height.


If you’re not familiar with Thingiverse, it is a free online resource for people to share their designs for 3D printing and laser cutting. I love the creative solutions to DIY tool making, I could easily browse the site for hours on end. With over 100,000 models on the site and a large range of categories, it’s easy to see why.

Here are two more versions of the same idea. If you have access to a 3D printer, try them all and see which works best for you. Into 3D modelling? You can even make improvements on the design and post your version back up on Thingiverse to share with the world.


This model by Sergio Azambini uses a ready made bolt instead of a 3D printed one.



This version by Andy Meister fits a very fine pointed marker.

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Maker Extraordinaire from Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario. Lover of all things CNC and handmade.

agnesmakes.com @agawaffle

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