The MakerBot Replicator 1 is an amazing machine. When it was released it was at the cutting edge of affordable 3D printing technology. Among the most talked about features of the Replicator 1 was out of the box dual extrusion, something that still isn’t commonplace in 3D printers. Dual extrusion not only allowed two color prints, it also allowed you to use 2 different materials like a ABS and an PVA, a water soluble plastic for support structures.
When the Replicator 2 was announced it completely eclipsed the still capable Replicator 1. No, the Rep 1 isn’t the newest machine on the block but still offers a few features that the Rep 2 doesn’t; a heated bed for printing with ABS, and of course, dual extrusion. So while the Replicator 1 isn’t the newest printer on the block, it’s still an excellent option for in home digital fabrication. Now it’s an even better option because this week only our remaining MakerBot Replicator 1 Dual or Single Extrusion models are on sale for $250 off with free shipping in the Maker Shed. Quantities are limited as you can imagine, so don’t miss out on your chance to own a MakerBot Replicator!