I love toys. Who doesn’t? That might be why there has been a non-stop crowd around a little display full of custom action figures. We got to get a quick rundown of the Modio application to see what is going on. In short, Modio is a tool for building custom 3D printed action figures.
When you fire it up, you’re presented with a blank slate. You select body parts from an existing library and start placing them together. As you drag them around, they pop together on their own when you get them close enough to a compatible point. After you’ve got your body parts arranged how you would like, you can begin to alter the color as well as the surface texture of the model. It took me a total of maybe 20 seconds to smash together a multi-legged monstrosity with dragon scales.
At some point, you’re going to want to print this toy. The Modio application will automatically configure the pieces properly for the 3D printer of your choice. It can even automatically sort the pieces into different print jobs so you can swap out your filaments for different colors.
In case you couldn’t tell from the video, we really had fun with this project. The future for modio looks bright because this tool will only get more interesting as the parts library continues to grow.
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