Personalized Pez Dispenser Heads - Make: Personalized Pez Dispenser Heads - Make:

Personalized Pez Dispenser Heads

3D Printing & Imaging Fun & Games
Personalized Pez Dispenser Heads


Toronto’s 3D-printed jewelry company Hot Pop Factory received a client request to come up with a fun 3D-printed holiday gift for each of their employees, and I think their idea knocked it out of the ballpark: 3D scanned and printed Pez dispenser head toppers!

They scanned the each employee’s head using an Xbox Kinect, ReconstructMe software, and “some open-source hackery.” After cleaning up the scans and adding the candy dispenser connection, they printed all 32 heads out on what looks to be a MakerBot Replicator 3D printer.

[Thanks, Gus!]

All 32 employee-head Pez dispensers, ready to go.
Employees react as they receive their look-alike Pez dispensers.

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"To oppose something is to maintain it." –Ursula Le Guin

Currently: NEO.LIFE Alum: Instructables and MAKE

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