XYZ Brings Scanning To Their Full Color Printer - Make: XYZ Brings Scanning To Their Full Color Printer - Make:

XYZ Brings Scanning To Their Full Color Printer

3D Printing & Imaging Digital Fabrication
XYZ Brings Scanning To Their Full Color Printer

This week XYZ who are famous for their Da VInci line of low cost 3D printers were at CES showing off some of their new models. Earlier this year, XZY came to Maker Faire New York and brought along their new full color 3D printer that works by spraying the print with ink while printing in the same way your color 2D inkjet printer works.

Now at CES, they have added a new trick to the machines capabilities, scanning. This new version of the printer is capable of scanning both the shape and color of an object and then recreating it all in the same machine, saving a ton of desk space versus having a separate printer and scanner.

Make 3D printer testing team alumni Ryan Priore was at CES on business and went by XYZ’s booth to check them out and take a few pictures for us. The initial prints they are showing are quite impressive, although they chose their objects very well.

Below you can see a model that was created with the original on the left and the print on the right. There are a variety of color variations but overall it is a very impressive showing.

We look forward to seeing for ourselves how well the system performs on more complicated objects.


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Matt is a community organizer and founder of 3DPPVD, Ocean State Maker Mill, and HackPittsburgh. He is Make's digital fabrication and reviews editor.

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