Many of you probably remember the Zano drone, a kickstarter that raised over 3 million dollars, then collapsed, failing to deliver functional drones to backers. I’m not going to get into why it failed, but rather what happened to all those tiny drone bodies, circuit boards, and motors that were left over as the company collapsed.
This weekend at World Maker Faire New York, I met Vernon Kerswell, who has acquired those parts and has big plans for them.

Vernon is no stranger to tiny drones. As you saw in the second half of that video, he’s launching another version of his already successful microdrone series. You may be wondering why he’d bother putting so much effort into something that is now a bit aged. I don’t recall his exact phrasing, but his response was pretty much that he is passionate about drones and this is truly interesting and unique hardware. This is just a passion project for him along side his business activities.