The season’s final Open Make @ the Hall ends on a tiny note. The idea is to bring your little ones to UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science and get inspired by the big impact your mini-creations can have. The fun starts tomorrow, April 20, and runs from 10am-2pm.
The event coincides with a campus-wide Cal Day. Jennifer Jordan-Wong of the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse upcycles little mint tins. The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network will help you make your own gummy capsule, play with smart metals, make a liquid crystal sensor, and experiment with superhydrophobic surfaces. Finally, Sam Burden cleans up NISE’s gummy capsules with some hungry, robotic cockroaches.
MAKE founder Dale Dougherty will host a lively “Meet the Makers” session that will include short presentations from:
- Young Makers from the Lighthouse Charter School.
- Valentina Naglieri: PhD in Materials Science from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She works as a post-doctoral student at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with a research focus on materials processing and mechanical properties.
- Sam Burden: PhD candidate, EECS, Robotoc Cockraoches.
- Fatima Alleyne: Doctoral candidate in Material Science and Engineering Department at UC Berkeley. She research focus is nanotechnology.
- Paul Birkmeyer: PhD candidate at UC Berkeley and co-founder of Dash Robotics.