This is my first circuit from the new Make: Electronics book by Charles Platt. It’s Experiment 33: Moving in steps from page 286. You might be asking why I chose the stepper circuit for my first project? The simple answer is, I like stepper motors and thought it would be fun. The book is filled with great illustrations, diagrams, and pictures, making all the projects very easy to understand and build. Now that I got that out of my system, I’m going to go back and start from the beginning….Wait, I have to what in Experiment #1? Zap-zap! (if you own the book, you know what I mean!)
Over the next few months, we will be featuring a lot of projects from the Make: Electronics book here on Make: online. Are there any particular experiments from the book that you would like us to make? Did you make any projects? If so, please let us know in the comments. Thanks!