Moved to poetry by last weekend’s Maker Revolution, Jonathan penned this:
Haiku on Maker Revolution:
Seeing Legends Talk
Sitting Round the Geek Camp Fire
Watching People Make
The Maker Revolution @ Microsoft Startup Labs from Boston Cyberarts on Vimeo.
Bre had a spiffy time as well:
We printed airplane wings, dodecahedrons, and chess pieces. Then I gave a talk about rapid prototyping. We met cool people who are doing cool things. Big thanks to everyone who shared their passion with us at this event.
Photo from Fred0 on Flickr
Jonathan also wrote a rundown of the first day’s events in the sidebar of his Flickr set on Maker Revolution:
The first day of Maker Revolution at the Microsoft Startup Labs in Cambridge was a great day for Boston Area Makers (and others who came in from as far as CA).
Jimmie Rodgers, Bill T Miller, and Derek Hoffend started with a panel on Circuit Bending.
Meanwhile, the Cupcake CNC by MakerBot Industries was plugging away printing out opensource 3D Designs from The term “Geek Campfire” was coined and twittered (for the ages) and the incredibly meta shot of a shot of a shot of a shot of a video of the CCNC was taken.
Later, Bre Pettis spoke on the de-centralization of manufacturing.
Mitch Altman was also on hand to show off his fabulous creations and had a few pairs of his relaxing glasses to calm and soothe us.
Jimmie also had a circuit bending workshop which taught us how to get more from the Staples “That Was Easy” button.
Finally, there were a few art exhibits on hand which bridged the gap between art and interactive objects.
All in all, a fantastic event for Boston Area Makers.
Did you check out Maker Revolution? Do you have photos or video of the event? Add them to the MAKE Flickr pool, and tag them with MakerRevolution so we can all find them.