Maker Summit Hangout is Today!

Maker Summit Hangout is Today!



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Join our Maker Summit live Google+ hangout today at 2:00 PM EST.  The goal of the summit is to highlight the present and future impacts of the Maker Movement and to discuss ways we can develop local and national programs for improving access to tools and mentors. We’ve got an incredible lineup of knowlegeable and experienced people that will be joining to discuss different aspects of building Maker communities.

Here’s what we’ve got in store for you today:

2:00pm Welcome
Dale Dougherty, founder & CEO, Maker Media

2:05pm Making and Innovation
John Hagel, director, Deloitte Consulting LLP and co-chairman, Center for the Edge
Justin Rattner, Intel Senior Fellow, Corporate Vice President, and President of the Intel Foundation

2:45pm Impact on Education
Mitzi Montoya, Vice President & University Dean for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, ASU
Tim McNulty, Associate Vice President For Government Relations at Carnegie Mellon University
Adam Kemp, Director, Energy Systems Research Laboratory at Thomas Jefferson H.S. for Science & Technology

3:05pm Every Child a Maker
Lisa Regalla, Interim Director, Maker Education Initiative
David Wells, Manager of Creative Making & Learning, New York Hall of Science

3:25pm Break

3:40pm The Maker City
Peter Hirshberg, CEO, The re:Imagine Group

3:50pm Impact on Workforce Development
Steve Herzenberg, Executive Director, Keystone Research Center
Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Lead facilitator, FirstBuild
Marc Roth, founder, The Learning Shelter

4:05pm Micromanufacturing

4:15pm Making for Global Development
Emeka Okafar, entrepreneur and venture catalyst, curator of Maker Faire Africa
Kate Gage, Advisor, U.S. Global Development Lab, USAID
Tom Kalil, Deputy Director for Technology and Innovation, OSTP

4:35pm Impact on Government Policy
David Plotz, editor, Slate

5:00pm Meet the Makers
Lisa Fetterman, co-founder & CEO, Nomiku
Jay Silver, founder & CEO, JoyLabz

5:30pm Closing

You don’t want to miss out on any of those great talks, so be sure to come watch the live broadcast today at 2pm EST (11 AM PST) at this link.
Of course we couldn’t have done all of this without some fantastic sponsors.


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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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