Middle School Robot Making on Cape Cod

Middle School Robot Making on Cape Cod


Remember when Cape Cod was primarily a place for whale hunting? Those days are past, but in mid-August, Cape Cod will be a whale of a good time for some middle school makers. Cape Cod Community College, in West Barnstable, will be hosting Summer of Solar Science Aug. 12-16. The fee for this week long camp is quite affordable at $225, which includes snacks, lunch, and harpoons. Wait, not harpoons. There will be no harpoons at this summer camp.

Now get out of my sight you landlubber. Move along now. Yarrrr!

[Phil Shapiro is a maker and media maker in the Washingon DC-area. He loves open sourcedigital storytelling and fixing up donated computers to deliver to people who need them. He can be reached at pshapiro@his.com  and on Twitter @philshapiro.]

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Phil Shapiro is a maker and media maker in the Washingon DC area. He loves open sourcedigital storytelling and fixing up donated computers to deliver to people who need them. He can be reached at pshapiro@his.com and on Twitter @philshapiro.

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