[Allyson Dewar shares her inspiring Maker Camp experience with us! Maker Camp is a self-service virtual camp for anyone (but particularly kids aged 7-12) interested in DIY, making, creating, crafting, hacking, tinkering, and discovery. See (and make!) these great Maker Camp projects.]
Do You Know What You’re Getting Yourself Into?
“Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?” was a common question I was asked by many leading up to Maker Camp. We had over 200 campers registered and I had never facilitated something like this before. Was I “maker” enough? Was I “STEAMy” enough? Could I lead, challenge and inspire these campers?
Each and every one of us is a Maker. This inner Maker just needs to be unleashed, encouraged, nurtured and celebrated! Clawson Maker Camp was an amazing experience! We had our own little world where thinking outside of the box was the norm and anything was possible if you imagine it! Campers, parents and volunteers thought of ingenious designs, constructed it, tested it, and improved it. It was such an awesome sight to see and witness! To see the light bulb “go off” and the sense of ownership and pride was priceless.
“Blown away by the awesomeness going on in Clawson the last few weeks!” –Denise K. Clawson Public Schools Curriculum Coach
I was blown away by the collaboration, teamwork and new friendships created during camp. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Behavior issues were virtually non-existent. I couldn’t believe what these campers were capable of especially during “Fun and Games” week. Our Cardboard Carnival was outrageous!
The making didn’t stop at camp. Kinds went home and continued to tinker, explore and discover. I also had many go to the Detroit Maker Faire at the Henry Ford. They were so excited telling me about their experience. I think parents had more fun than the campers! Some of my best memories was a high school boy volunteer absolutely delighted when he created his own straw oboe and when I asked a camper about his cardboard guitar and he said “Oh, that one is my mom’s!” as mom looked at me with a giant grin on her face.
Clawson Maker Camp was just the tip of the iceberg and the best is yet to come. I look forward to working with educators on bringing this into the classroom and integrating with curriculum. If you have been thinking about making but are having reservations … take it from me … you got this!
“I love maker camp because I can be creative and make with my friends!” –Frankie S., Camper
Pictures & Videos
Fun and Games Week

Jam Session (Funkytown)

The Noisemakers (Funkytown)