Have you ever wanted to:
- Learn about Arduino?
- Build a weather-monitoring site?
- Build a marshmallow blaster to wow your neighbors?
But been frustrated by how hard it is to learn something new?
There are few options for makers seeking to learn a new skill. Many Makerspaces offer courses, but these are frequently safety and basic-use courses for specific machines and are often limited to an introductory level. YouTube videos and Massive Open Online Courses are convenient – until you have a question for the teacher.
Today, we offer you a new way of learning: Maker Training Camps. Training Camps are collaborative online courses specifically designed to make it easier to learn a new skill or build a specific project. Camps use Google hangouts and communities to make it easy to work with other students and teachers. Camps are generally between one and five weeks in length with a lecture, a project and optional office hours each week. Camps range in price from free to $150.
Our teachers are makers themselves. Some of our teachers have written Make books, some are professors, and some run businesses using what they teach. We select teachers based on whether they are experts, not whether they have three PhD’s.
Every lesson in a training camp is accompanied by a project to help you understand the concepts. Camps culminate in a final project you can share with the entire class.
Our first three training camps are described below and start June 1. Click here for more information or to sign up.
Introduction to Arduino
You’ve heard about fun things you can do with an Arduino, but maybe aren’t sure where to start? This is the camp for you. Learn how to setup, program, troubleshoot, and design circuits for your Arduino as well as create an open-ended final project to share with the class.
Introduction to Raspberry Pi
Learn the basic building blocks of Raspberry Pi and create maker applications for this tiny Linux computer. Find out how to write quick interactive applications using IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment). Fun projects include creating a game simulator and a calculator.
Design for Desktop 3-D Printing
Desktop 3D printers are hot! These powerful tools for designers and hobbyists present new opportunities and challenges. Learn to optimize existing 3D designs and create new designs that bend the rules, and push the limits of what’s possible.