Just in time for Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year — our Maker Skill Builder Humble Bundle offers up to $227 worth of killer content for just $20.
Running through Dec. 27 and, as always, supporting the Maker Education Initiative, the final Humble of the year has two mystery books that will be “unlocked” on Wednesday, Dec. 20, and features two brand-new Jumpstarting books written specifically for this event.
Our Humble-only Jumpstarting ebook series provides a quick three-part avenue for makers to swiftly glean topical knowledge. Each book starts with instructions on how to install or initialize the hardware or software needed to reach the all-important “Hello, World” stage. The second project builds on the first to use more of the hardware or software’s capabilities. The final build expands the user’s knowledge into lesser-know aspects of the topic.
All Jumpstarting projects are specifically devised for makers — they provide hands-on, real-world experience in making the hardware or software do what you want it to do.
With this Humble Bundle, we launch Jumpstarting C and Jumpstarting JavaScript, two great tutorials for getting up to speed on these languages well before the resolutions wear off. And there’s nowhere else to get them but here!
Humble Bundles are uniquely gift-able. Set your price, make your purchase, click the gift link, and boom, your holiday shopping is done. Plus: you’ve given to charity. You can grab a discount on a print or digital subscription to Make: magazine too!
Here’s what we’ve got set up for you, and here’s how it goes. We sincerely hope that you love it.
Pay a Buck and Get…
Woodworking for Young Makers Full-color cartoons and drawings lead kids through the steps needed for making a wizard wand, a sanding block, a charging station for your phone or tablet, and a sturdy box with a hidden compartment.
Getting Started with Soldering Just released, this essential book guides makers through the fundamentals of soldering, explains the tools and materials, demonstrates proper techniques, and shows how to fix mistakes or broken connections.
Make: Magazine Volume 55 DIY Robots Build a 3D-printed balancing bot, assemble a Strandbeest-style walker with LEGO, and learn programming with robots. You’ll also find the right robot kit for your needs with our handy overview of what is on the market today.
Pay Just $8 To Receive…
Minecraft for Makers The only Minecraft book just for Makers! Build real-world versions of familiar objects from the game, like blocks, jack o’lanterns, and mobs. Begin with simple crafting projects, move up to projects with electronics and LEDs, and advance to programmable Arduino projects.
Easy Electronics Best-selling author Charles Platt, whose Make: Electronics books have literally sold millions of copies, introduces the easiest book possibly ever written on the topic. Brilliantly clear graphics take you step by step through 12 basic projects, none of which should take more than half an hour. Using alligator clips to connect components, you will see and hear immediate results. We’re really excited about this one!
mBots for Makers This brand new book is for non-technical parents, kids, and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore, is a powerful Arduino-based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering or breadboarding.
Make: Magazine Volume 57 All Hands on Boards Compare specs for more than 80 brand-new boards in our ever-growing boards guide to choose the right one for your next project. Plus, you’ll find more than 15 hands-on projects! Featuring Limor “Lady Ada” Fried!
For a mere $15, Receive Everything Previously Listed, Plus…
Getting Started with the micro:bit Learn how to program with Python and make things with the new board from the BBC. You’ll learn about sensors, Bluetooth communications, IoT, and embedded operating systems.
Getting Started with 3D Carving Learn the basics of 3D drawing from the founder of Inventables and get free online Easel software. Go step-by-step through five beginner projects you can build yourself, and discover aspirational projects from brilliant makers in the 3D carving community.
Modern Leatherwork for Makers Take leather crafting into the 21st century with a guide that marries traditional skills to the latest CNC and 3D printing technologies. This book is perfect for makers new to leatherworking, as well as experienced leatherworkers who want to understand how to integrate new digital fabrication tools into their workbench.
Make: Magazine Volume 58 The Community Issue Explore different ways to tackle large scale projects that are much bigger than one person can handle alone. Get the scoop on how a team of engineers built the giant robot Megabot, learn to build your own autonomous R/C car, and so much more.
$20 Gets You The Whole Enchilada (But You Can Always Donate More!)…
Jumpstarting C A Humble exclusive prepared just for this deal and not available anywhere else. This short ebook gets you coding with C in three easy steps.
Jumpstarting JavaScript A Humble exclusive prepared just for this deal and not available anywhere else. This short ebook gets you started with JavaScript in three easy steps.
Zero to Maker, Second Edition The newly revised best-seller by Open ROV co-founder David Lang, this book is for everyone who dreams of becoming a successful maker-entrepreneur. It not only satisfies the aspirational aspect but shows newcomers to the maker movement exactly how to join in.
Design for CNC A manifesto for designing globally and manufacturing locally. Written by the founders of the architecture, design, and research firm Filson and Rohrbacher, this book takes you through the basics of CNC fabrication, the design process, production, and construction of your own furniture designs.
Be alert for the mid-promo adds, to be unlocked on Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 11amPST. They’re super secret, so all we can say is: So much brand-new Arduino goodness! Check back.