NarwhalEdu wants to bring ‘wicked cool’ open online engineering classes to high school students. Open online courses are nothing new, but NarwhalEdu wants to include an open hardware kit along with the course. Everyone taking the course can design and build a set of robots as they learn new concepts.
- A drawing robot arm to learn about kinematics, battery calculations, etc.
- A quadcopter to learn about controls.
- Three small swarmbots to learn about swarm behavior.
After the course, the student keeps the kit and can go on to build whatever they like with it. The kit includes three servos, one Arduino Nano I/O shield, one microcontroller, a power supply, a couple of potentiometers, laser cut enclosure parts, a 3D printed pen-holder and Sharpie pen to fit it, and plenty of fasteners.
NarwhalEdu is more than half-way through its Kickstarter campaign right now. It’s a great project to back if you care about making engineering fun and accessible. Even pledging at the lowest level will help raise their popularity on the Kickstarter page so that more people will find them.