![Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire — Call For Makers](https://i0.wp.com/makezine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/aammf2010_soldering.jpg?fit=600%2C450&ssl=1)
Organizers of the third Ann Arbor “Mini” Maker Faire have issued a Call for Makers for the June 4, 2011 event to be held at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds near Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Faire features exhibits and activities in robots, green tech, science, radio, rocketry, unusual tools/techniques, fixing and/or taking things apart, and other areas, all with an emphasis on “do it yourself.” Last year’s Faire drew over 1,600 people to engage in activities such as learning to solder and silk screening t-shirts, and saw exhibits including some featured in Make Magazine.
The Faire is free to exhibitors and visitors alike, and is funded by sponsors. It is organized by a2geeks, a newly organized Ann Arbor area foundation promoting the informal technology culture. The Faire is a local version of the major Maker Faires in the Bay area, at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, and in New York City.
Exhibitors can find additional information and apply online at http://www.a2makerfaire.com. Application deadline is May 5, 2011.
The mission of the Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire is to present interesting or unique exhibits, individuals, and demonstrations in DIY science, technology, engineering, and art that excite, motivate, and educate. The emphasis should be on cool things, skills, and knowledge. As a shorthand, the exhibits should be the kind of thing you’d see in Make Magazine.