Big Apple Hobbies “Flying Aces” workshop

Big Apple Hobbies “Flying Aces” workshop

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Gabe sent in writes –

“Big Apple Hobbies in Queens, NY is announcing their “Flying Aces” Workshop. Up to 8 students (ages from 8 to 88) will learn to build balsa-wood flying model planes. The models range from simple gliders and lightweight rubberband-powered models (yes, the Make ornithopther is on the list) to advanced gas or electric-powered 5-10 lbs 4-channel radio-controlled trainer aircraft.

Students can choose from a variety of suitable kits at all price and skill levels, or work on kits provided by Big Apple Hobbies for the workshop.
The classes also include r/c simulator training in the store during and after class time, as well as actual r/c airplane flight training with a buddy box, provided by the Meroke Model Airplane Club of Wantaugh, Long Island. The Merokes have been conducting a successful building program for several years and will be providing experienced instructors for each of the “Flying Aces” Workshop sessions.”


  • Big Apple Hobbies – Link.

If you have (or know of) a hobby shop and do classes, let us know we’ll try and get the word out.

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