BIG! Volunteer Throwdown | BUILD IT GREEN! NYC (REMINDER)


REMINDER: BIG! Volunteer Throwdown | BUILD IT GREEN! NYC

Build it Green! invites you to come and be a part of our Second Annual Volunteer Day on Saturday April 28 th! Volunteer Day starts at 1pm and ends at 5pm, four short hours, but invaluable to our organization. Build It Green! Is New York City’s only non-profit retail outlet for salvaged and surplus building materials, our mission is to keep perfectly useful materials out of the landfills and to provide them to the public at low low prices. Our warehouse dwarfs our staff however and your help is vital to us.

Last year you helped us organize our paint room, clean our porcelain sinks, save our antique light fixtures from dust ridden oblivion, and much more. Once again we ask you to come out and beautify our cavernous warehouse. Spend the day in Queens, come early and check out Socrates sculpture park and afterwards we can all go to the Bohemian Beer Gardens!

BIG! Volunteer Throwdown | BUILD IT GREEN! NYC – Link.

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