Peter Kirn and MAKE are doing an informal get together at the ETSY & MAKE offices in Brooklyn, NY – stop by Thursday, March 3/22 7pm – we’ll have some MAKE kits for sale for cheap there too–
…Eric Singer, founder and director of LEMUR: League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots (http://lemurbots.org) will show the MidiTron (http://www.miditron.com), the Sonic Banana and the Slime-o-tron.
Instructables fans – everyone who shows up gets an Instructables sticker! Link.
PopSci will be there too, representing the popsci.com and the How 2.0 section. Theu may even bring some projects to show off!
Attention, boys and girls: fans of DIY hardware, physical computing, circuit bending, hacked gear and gaming machines, custom code and patching, independent hardware makers, mad scientists, and even the casual fan of the above who want to check out some cool projects — if you’re anywhere near the NYC area, we want you next week.
Thursday March 22, we’ll be having the first informal get-together for a regular series of events, and we’d love to have you there. (Note that I went with the music angle to keep things simple, but motion-y projects are equally welcome.)
Musicmakers @ Etsy
Hosted by MAKE and Create Digital MusicJoin us for an evening of handmade music technology, from DIY, open source, and custom hardware to handcrafted code and patches. Bring your own projects (in-progress or complete) for an informal show and tell, or just come to check out what other people are doing and learn how to get started in DIY music yourself. Phillip Torrone from MAKE and Peter Kirn from Create Digital Music will be on-hand with music projects and kits you can make and connections to online communities for music tech DIYers. We’re building a series of regular meetings for makers in the NYC area, with a first concert planned for later in the spring. Experts and newcomers welcome.
Thursday, 3/22
7:00 pm – whenever
At Etsy Labs in downtown Brooklyn, near the Manhattan bridge (more about Etsy Labs)Think show-and-tell rather than formal presentations, so if you’ve got something that’s half-finished and barely working, please bring it. (I imagine that’s what I’ll have!) And if you just want to look, we’re happy to have you stop by.
Create Digital Music » Calling All NYC Area Makers and Lovers of Gear, Hardware Projects, and Code – Link.