With Michael Colombo as a very recent ITP graduate and me starting my second year there, we’ve been posting our fair share of ITP projects to Makezine lately. A lot of what we do at ITP aligns well with the maker community, but understandably, not everybody is in the position to go to a two year graduate program. But if you’re in NYC this summer and are looking to get a taste of what ITP is all about, take a look at ITP Camp:
Once again this June we are inviting non-student, working professionals to come to ITP on weekends and evenings to make stuff, hear speakers on the cutting edge, and collaborate with people from diverse disciplines. The creative charge of ITP Camp comes from the community of participants sharing their ideas, skills, criticisms and passions with each other in small, informal groups. We’re creating a flexible structure, an Un-University, that is responsive and supportive to the group we select. The structure is based on “unconferences” such as foocamp or barcamp, where presentations and discussions form in response to participants’ interests and projects.
ITP Camp 2012
June 1 – 30, 2012
721 Broadway 4th floor NYC, Registration required