Costumes from Makers… Mr. Potato head, Bipolar junctions. aliens, Spy vs Spy, crayons and more…

Costumes from Makers… Mr. Potato head, Bipolar junctions. aliens, Spy vs Spy, crayons and more…

It seems like this just might be the year of do-it-yourself (DIY) Halloween, over 200+ projects and 600+ photos were sent in to the MAKE & CRAFT Halloween contest… here are just a few that came in while the ghosts were sleeping…

284855868 Daef7Bc8E2
Jody’s Mr. Potato head – Link.285146421 95Fe60D236 O
Dave is a Nintendo controller – Link.

Rubik’s cube head- Link.

285183736 17917613Fe B
Matt the W’s Bipolar Junction Transistor costume – Link.

285309376 690E6De0Cb O
AntonOlsen’s snow globe – Link.

285288781 F22507F645
MsMolly’s yep yep muppet alien costumes – Link.

283250056 Fff7C34392
Playwright_Bo is a Baboon – Link.

285050860 2A8E73C191-1
Meg’s Spy vs Spy – Link.

284947218 787Ddfbebe B
Mushmouth26 girlfriend’s Crayon box costume made from a Samsung DLP TV box and some soccer cones – Link.

284856401 680A3Ead63
Mark’s “where the wild things are” costume & an original design – Link.

284856262 51893Cdf42
Allison’s Harvey Birdman and Birdgirl – Link.

284855788 80Ae321B73
284855694 7Fcff3Ab8C
Colby’s homemade Elmo – Link.

284742478 Becf3B07Ea
Bad luck diver – Link.

284454993 Cc471C55Bd
Mmm, sugar skulls – Link.

284196015 373830A916
Joe’s domo costume – Link.

283687328 B4F983E707
Sconartist, is a virus – Link.

283038781 3F3354Fb2D
Killer leg warmers – Link.

285097975 8E99575Db9
Ecammit, LEGO man! – Link.

284808521 00D6Ea6B75
Another TRON costume! – Link.

285265215 Aaa00E23D7 B
Darkbluedrew grew a mustache for a month for this Mario costume – Link.

284360334 A5Cc186B7F B
Nft’s zombie scars, gross – Link.

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