Crafternoon at AS220 in Providence, RI this Saturday, Sept 27


If you are in the Providence, RI area, Crafternoon is happening this Saturday, September 27th at AS220 at 1pm. (Photo Credit: Photographic Memory)
About Crafternoon

Crafternoon is a monthly happening where friends and strangers gather and work on their own projects in each others’ company. Our hope is that by leaving our studios and homes, and working among peers, a critical dialogue and supportive community will emerge among us. We meet on the last saturday of every month at AS220 @ 1pm. All are welcome! Doodlers, painters, knitters, crochet gurus/novices, old, young, all people! Animals are welcome, too, of course. Need some feedback on that sweater you’re knitting for your dog? We might just be your bunch. Don’t want to pay to heat your studio this winter? That’s cool, we’re climate controlled. Also the Taqueria Pacifica is open next door during our little jam sesh. Brunch burritos, anyone?

115 Empire Street
Providence, RI 02903

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