Eleventh Hour Gifts in the Maker Shed!

Eleventh Hour Gifts in the Maker Shed!

If you forgot to pick up a gift for Suzy or Tommy, don’t worry!  There are still some great gifts in the Maker Shed to brighten their Christmas mornings.  Grab a printable Maker Shed Gift Certificate, available in any amount of your choosing.  Even better is our promotion for Shed Cred – when you purchase gift certificates at certain price levels, you get a store credit as a bonus!  For instance, if you purchase a $100 gift card for a loved one, you receive an additional $10 store credit good towards anything in the Maker Shed!


If you’re looking for something more tangible, pick up a MAKE Magazine subscription for your friends or family!  Trust me, our newest issue coming out in January is going to be chock-full of awesome projects and ideas.  If you didn’t know yet, our magazine is getting a fantastic overhaul – we are pumping out six issues per year instead of our usual four! We are also moving to a new, larger format that is perfect for high quality photos of designs and projects.

In addition, we have the some adorable printable gift cards to go with your subscription, so there’s something under the tree to rip open in the morning!


Some of us get an adrenaline rush from braving the last-minute crowds at stores.  If that sounds like you, swing by your local Radio Shack or Micro Center to purchase some last minute MAKE products, like our classics, Getting Started with Arduino or the Raspberry Pi Starter Kit.

Whatever type of shopping it is you fancy, we at the Maker Shed wish you a happy holiday season!

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The Maker Shed is brought to you by Maker Media, the makers of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Faire, and much more.

Launched originally as a source for back issues of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Shed expanded rapidly to meet the demand for 'projects in a box,' otherwise known as kits. Now we have a little bit of everything for makers, crafters, and budding scientists, from Arduinos to sock monkeys to chemistry sets .

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