Remember last week, when I shared Smitten Kitchen’s amazing all butter, really flaky pie crust? Well, a great pie crust recipe isn’t terribly helpful if you don’t actually know how to roll it out. So, of course, Deb from Smitten Kitchen has come to the rescue once again with her excellent followup tutorial: Pie Crust 103: Rolling and Crimping.
So, if you’ve always shied away from crusts because of that insurmountable last step—or maybe you’ve just wondered if you’re doing it right—the time to hesitate is through!
Click here to see how it’s done.
Note to my fellow vegans/dairy allergy sufferers: I can officially confirm that sticks of Earth Balance Buttery Spread can be substituted in the recipe above, just leave out the salt. I refrigerated the ingredients in advance and after each step in the mixing process, and my Thanksgiving pie crusts were, by far, the best I’ve ever made. Yum!