1,700 arcade manuals

Fun & Games

Make 1012
Make 1013
Jason Scott posted a collection of 1,700 arcade manuals in PDF format, he writes –

If you were saying to yourself “Now, where can I browse over 1,700 arcade manuals in PDF format?”, your prayers were just answered. This is over three gigabytes of manuals, schematics, and general information about arcade machines, scanned in by an anonymous army of dedicated people, and going back up to 30 years.

My collection was previously at around 300, but that initial collection was from a different source, and the filename structure isn’t compatible with what I got in my latest set. So I’ve knocked it to a separate section from the main collection. They are likely doubles, and I’ll deal with that in the future.

ASCII by Jason Scott: Arcade Manuals – Link & download.

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