We’re getting close to my favorite maker holiday, Halloween. Do you have your costume ready? If not, I’ve gathered up some last-minute DIY costume ideas, with help from you guys! Please add your suggestions in the comments section.
Farah’s cereal killer costume. The milk mustache is a nice touch.
“Take a bunch of single-serve cereal boxes. Stab them with plastic spoons and adorn with red paint or fake blood. Attach to clothes. You are now a cereal killer.”
[Thanks for the suggestion,Brooke Ali]
Flickr user yummyseamonkies posted this photo of an excellent Barf the Mawg costume, from the cult classic film Spaceballs. It wouldn’t be too hard to make your own: khaki coveralls, brown dog ears, a patch that says “Barf,” and some face paint.
Che Guevara T-shirt
“This has been my favorite so far…”
[Thanks, @ErikSmith80]
Jellyfish — Clear umbrella, paper eyes, crepe paper tentacles.
[Costume made by Julie Dover Dennis]
Dress up as Melanie Daniels, the character in Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film, The Birds. You’ll need a green dress, white gloves, glasses, and, of course, some birds.
Transform an ugly purse into a terrifying Bag Monster!
Dr. Pepper/Doctor Who by Mike Gali
Alternate Dr. Pepper idea: “I wrote scrubs, stethoscope and glued pepper packets, (the kind you get with fast food), all over my shirt and pants. Instant Dr. Pepper.”
[Thanks for the suggestion, Nancy Gizuk]
LED — All you need is a flashlight, some tape, and a matching hat and shirt. Decorate the shirt with a diode symbol, roll up one pant leg (cathode is shorter than the anode!), and when you want to transform to a light-emitting diode, turn on the flashlight!
[Thanks, AnnMarie!]
You’ll only want to wear this if you don’t mind explaining what you are…
Flipped up hair, a magnifying glass, short brown pants, blue sweater, white collared shirt, white dog. This would work especially well for those with red hair.