Big brass ones

Fun & Games
Big brass ones

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Whamodyne suggests everyone should have a pair… of big brass dice.

With Father’s day coming up, I wanted to do something a little different. Now, dad plays a lot of board games and occasionally I’ve seen him have to squint a bit to see how the dice wound up.

I used to work in a gaming store (board, not video) and saw a lot of dice styles cross the counter. One of them was the long polygon style from Crystal Caste. I liked the basic idea and its stuck in the back of my mind ever since I first saw them.

Now that I thought of doing something for Dad, the two things, easy to read dice and the “rolling log” style from Crystal Caste clicked and I was off to the races. The fact that I could make up a little box and label it “Big Brass Ones – One Pair” when giving it to him was too good to pass up.

instructables : Big Brass Ones – Link.

DIY for Dad: Happy Father’s Day from MAKE, a Gift … – Link.

 Blog Img413 1029
HOW TO – Build electronic dice – Link.

 Images Dicegenerator Wholething
Dice rolling machine made from LEGOs – Link.

From the pages of MAKE:
Make 722
Nice Dice. MAKE 10 – page 68. Build a pair of electronic random number generators. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition or get MAKE with $5 off USD with code CMAKE!

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