Bike blimp remake?

Bikes Fun & Games
Bike blimp remake?

Bike Blimp

This pedal-powered inflatable recently used to cross the English Channel has definitely piqued somebody’s interest, and understandably so. Trumann writes –

If there is a way to remake this human-powered aircraft, it must happen. This article is about taking a trip via bicycle-blimp, but the concept is too awesome not to fantasize about building one myself. I have no idea where to start, being a Maker-n00b, but if anybody else has ideas, they should be shared!

Pedal-Powered Blimp Attempts to Cross English Channel

Hmmm, well I’ll start with an obvious one – learn as much as you can about the bike blimp and other similar projects(see below). Take notes, make sketches, and experiment. Anyone else have some ideas/experiences that could help him out?

Propeller driven bicycle (recumbent trike) – Human powered

Med Prop Bike
Propeller driven bicycle

Tethered Sideview2
Coming soon… the personal blimp

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