This is a really easy project made out of a Thule rack and a bed extender. I really don’t like roof racks that much since they can be a challenge to load and unload. It is much easier to get a couple of bikes on this rack.
I bought a Thule roof rack from Goodwill a couple of years ago. I have only had it on the RL once because it is too much to put up there and take down and frankly I’m not a fan of roof racks anyways. I also had a $30 bed extender (the other kind for wood that hangs over your tail gate) sitting in the corner which I have only used once. I also had some steel stock sitting in another corner of the garage. (Yes, I have a lot of crap sitting in corners. If there were any more crap in the corners, my garage would be round.
Read more about DIY: Bike Rack
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