DIY LEGO ice cube trays

Fun & Games
DIY LEGO ice cube trays

Ice 2
Brian @ GeekDad shows you how to make your own LEGO ice cube trays, he writes.. –

First things first: Making your own Lego ice cube trays is emphatically not cheaper than buying them straight out from from Lego. It is probably more fun, and since I wanted to learn mold-making, it gave me an excuse to buy a few materials and take a stab at it. Details after the jump.

First, I ordered a pint of ArtMolds MoldRite 25. This is a two-part tin cure silicone rubber molding compound that’s food-safe. I also picked up a can of Ease Release 200 to see if it made a difference in demolding.

DIY LEGO ice cube trays – Link.

LEGO ice cube trays! – Link.

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