Hopefully at this point, everyone is in the middle of a long holiday weekend — or at the very least, starting a normal-sized weekend. Sure, the fireworks may be over, but why not keep the celebration going by building a ball pit for your porch? Toronto’s Kevin James Hunt did that very thing, and he documented the process so you can make your own, too. He explains:
A lot of people have asked me “Why would you, as an adult, want to own a ball pit?” And the answer every time is “because of this xkcd comic.” There’s something about a ball pit that just screams PURE FUN. You cant sit in a ball pit and not smile. It’s like you turn to jello and float on plastic bubbles of multi-colored joy. I have spent a large portion of my summer in my balcony ball pit, and I could go on about stress-relieving effects, or about “deciding what ‘being an adult’ means in the 21st century”, or even about how this is probably something you dreamed about as a child/teenager/college student, but really, it’s a ball pit on a balcony. How does that NOT sound awesome?
I agree. Well done, sir!
[via the Maker Camp G+ Community]