The members of the Fun Bike Unicorn Club are bringing Death Defying Figure 8 Pedal Car Races to Maker Faire Bay Area 2012. Inspired by old-school pedal carts, the club started building and of course the desire to race followed. In the spirit of healthy, and perhaps reckless, competetion, The Unicorns will be shredding around the track racing not only eachother, but anyone else who has brought a car to race. The rules are simple, don’t spend too much money, build it yourself, and brakes are mandatory! To learn more about the races, visit http://blog.makezine.com/maker/fun-bike-unicorn-club/

The members of the Fun Bike Unicorn Club are bringing Death Defying Figure 8 Pedal Car Races to Maker Faire Bay Area 2012. Inspired by old-school pedal carts, the club started building and of course the desire to race followed. In the spirit of healthy, and perhaps reckless, competetion, The Unicorns will be shredding around the track racing not only eachother, but anyone else who has brought a car to race. The rules are simple, don’t spend too much money, build it yourself, and brakes are mandatory! Learn more about the races, FBUC, and how to enter here.
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