A lot of things about Burning Man could be considered overwhelming: the heat, the diversity of activities available at every waking moment, the sheer magnitude of the desert. The thing this first-time Burner found the most overwhelming (in the good way) was the presence of the maker spirit everywhere I looked. Practically everything that makes its way to Black Rock City is made by hand, and most of it is made just because nothing quite like it has ever been made before.
The joy of making is palpable on the Playa, and it’s one of the things that makes Burning Man (like Maker Faire) so special.
Even though I’m still busy cleaning desert dust from my boots, I wanted to share some of my favorite sights with you.
[make_slideshow slug=”my-burning-man-scrapbook” title=”My Burning Man Scrapbook” link=”Start the Slideshow”]