Recreation & Entertainment

Build Your Own Backyard Bowling Alley

Build Your Own Backyard Bowling Alley

Create a centerpiece for backyard party fun with this DIY bowling lane.

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Red Bull’s “Kluge” Rube Goldberg Machine

Red Bull’s “Kluge” Rube Goldberg Machine

Red Bull’s Kluge Rube Goldberg Machine was built over 17 days by Syyn Labs (who also built that OK Go RGM using over 100 builders and 25 tons of material. Not to be a naysayer but I’d much rather watch a video of a bunch of nerds trying to set up a RGM (or better […]

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World Control: A Demonstration

World Control: A Demonstration

Pick up a copy of the new issue of MAKE and check out Steve Lodefink’s “world control panel,” but also have a look at this video of Steve’s son Harlan demonstrating all the features of the device. If it doesn’t bring a smile to your face, nothing will.

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Swinging in the Rain

Swinging in the Rain

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but here at MAKE HQ in Sebastopol, Calif. we’re enjoying a great run of Indian Summer weather, deep blue skies, temps in the low 80s and a tinge of fall crispness when you step into the shade. A perfect day for a swing in […]

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The Mystery and Joys of Strange Crates in the Mail

The Mystery and Joys of Strange Crates in the Mail

Today was another hectic day at the office. Workdays can get all tangled up sometimes, serious, fraught with drama, with looming deadlines. And too much coffee. And then you get a mysterious wooden crate in the mail. At least that’s what happened to me today. I came back to my office after a meeting to […]

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