Snow geekery

Craft & Design Fun & Games
Snow geekery

When I glanced up from shoveling the driveway it looked like some kind of cool pattern. Maybe I did it on purpose, maybe it just happened that way. A quick photo from my pocket camera and then it was time to make it really go away.

Most of the continental US seems to be in the clutches of one freak snow storm or two lately. We are at the start of winter here in the Northern Hemisphere, so there should be plenty of time to try out snowy ideas. Arduino enabled snowman? Throwie Snowballs? WifI in your snow fort? Snow Lanterns? Storytelling with snow sculpture? DIY weather station?

How can you be creative with snow/ice/winter/cold/vacation? How do you color correct for snow pictures that are too blue? Are you and your neighbors doing crazy cool stuff to outdo one another? What kind of snow constructions did you make as a kid and are your kids making them this week? How is that snow cave working out? What have you built to take advantage of the snow’s qualities? How do you have fun with that huge pile of snow left over by the snow plow? What are you doing with this palette of white fluffy material? Post your photos and videos in the Make Flickr pool, and add your comments to join the conversation.

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Making things is the best way to learn about our world.

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