Super classy bike trailer

Bikes Fun & Games
Super classy bike trailer

From the MAKE Flickr pool

Bryce & Naomi uploaded pics of this elegant homebuilt bicycle trailer, “The Edison” – perfect for those leisurely days you’d rather leave the motorcar at home –

It’s made from 3/8 in birch luan on an Aluminum base frame. The wood frame was then fiberglassed to weather proof it. Copper sheet (14 Gauge) was used to protect heavy wear areas (and make it look good). The “hood” is cut into the curved top surface, hinged and lined with a leather snap cover that is stitched to the wood hood cover.

I am still working on the martini bar I am installing in the trunk. More pics when the bar is complete.

Check out a bunch of nice build photos in the Flickr photoset.

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