Here’s an excellent walk through about how a pinball machine is made! –
The following is an unabridged version of a short presentation that Pat Lawlor Design did at Pinball Expo 2001, showing the history of the MONOPOLY Pinball project from start to end.
MONOPOLY Pinball was a special project in a lot of ways, especially because it was 4 guys working outside the confines of a pinball company designing and prototyping a game from the start almost all the way through to the end.
It was new territory for almost everyone at both companies, and after letting so many other pinball projects go by undocumented we were determined to make this one count.
PLD presents The Making of the MONOPOLY Pinball Game, Thanks Drew! – Link.
HOW TO – Make a Pinball Coffee Table – Link.
Pinball hall of fame – MAKE @ Vegas – Link.
Homemade Futurama pinball machine – Link.
The LEGO pinball machine – Link.
Emulate Pinball with PinMame-HW – Link.
Pinball photos – Link.
Pinball Hall of Fame, Las Vegas, NV – Link.
From the pages of MAKE:
Follow the bouncing ball. Pinball’s magic juju and the unanticipated effect of one thing on another. Read this article in MAKE: 08: Toys and Games, Page 11. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition.
Pinball, Resurrected. Restoring a crusty, beat-up Cyclone. Pinheads in Oddball Places. Inside the electromechanical underground, with Lucky Ju Ju and the Pinball Hall of Fame. Read this article in MAKE: 08: Toys and Games, Page 66. Subscribers–read this article now in your digital edition or get MAKE 08 in the Maker store – Link.