Here are some final odds and ends from the NYC Toy fair 2008, these aren’t necessarily DIY/Science – but things I thought were interesting, bizarre or a little of both … (pictured here, all year weather sled, you attach large ice blocks for summer use)… keep clicking for more!
Metal GORT!
Reissue of the first pogo stick.
Incredible packing for artist’s vinyl collectables.
Toy-kits made from cork!
Mask making!
Mosaic art, Ya rly.
Amazing wood toys from Germany.
Some commenters say this is more educational than it was presented – so maybe it’s not so bad.
Eyeclops microscope! Seen here on MAKE before too!
Moon shoes.
Laser cut wood animals and origami.
Marshmallow bazookas.
Extremely detailed chess sets.
Hand casting kits.
Geoplates building sets.
Snowboard skateboards.
Puzzle in a bottle, and it’s a pirate treasure map!
Japanese models.
Giant “Nightmare before Christmas” replica.
Flight chair.
Paper bots.
PC based comic creator (Speed Racer comic assets included).
Handmade Goth dolls.