How-To: Create a Simple Houseplant Wicking System

How-To: Create a Simple Houseplant Wicking System


My friend Goli recently went on a solo backpacking trip. When she returned, she discovered that an unexpected heat wave had taken a toll on some of her plants. I volunteered to show her two very simple ways to keep her houseplants watered while she’s off on her adventures. Cotton strips buried in the soil of each plant slowly wick water, keeping the root zone moist without leaving them soaked. A crafty little setup like this is super easy, and it’s way cheaper than a house sitter!

Setting your plant directly into a tray of water might seem like a good solution when you are out of town, but that technique can easily “drown” the roots. Roots love oxygen, so sopping wet soil can cause rot, mold, and infection to set in. Using a simple wicking system means the dirt will have just the right amount of moisture. But always choose cotton — polyester just won’t work the same.



Cotton fabric
Large bowl of water taller than the plant’s container
Small bowl of water smaller than your plant’s container


Prepare the wicks:
Cut the cotton fabric into strips 1″ wide, about 12″ long.


Method One:

Step 1: Lay one end of the cotton strip on the soil. Wrap it loosely around the base of the plant’s stem.



Step 2: Use your finger to gently dig into the soil of the first plant. Try not to disturb the roots. Bury the end of the cotton strip in the dirt.



Step 3: Fill the tall, large bowl with water, and set it next to the plant. Place the other end of the cotton strip in the bowl of water. Be sure that the strip increases elevation as it spans between the plant and the container of water. The water will slowly wick over, from the bowl to the soil, via the cotton.


Method Two:

Step 1: Wrap the wick loosely around the base of the plant, and bury its end in the dirt.


Step 2: Place the free end of the wick in a bowl of water that is a tiny bit smaller than the width of the plant’s pot.


Step 3: Set the plant’s pot in the bowl of water. You want the plant to rest in the bowl, but with a reservoir of water beneath it. The water will wick up through the cotton from the bowl of water under the plant.

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